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Directed by: Jesús Franco , Erwin C. Dietrich
Stars: Kali Hansa, Pilar Coll, Diotta Fatou
Language: German | Subtitles: English
Country: Switzerland | Brrip
Description: Robert Kuhn is looking forward to a nice evening in the brothel: First he enjoys the strip show, then he runs with his chosen ones back to a room. A short time later, he was arrested and the black lady, with whom he had spent the night, is with life-threatening injuries in hospital. Robert’s wife Lola is shocked when she learns of it: But her husband’s brothel shocked her, but that her husband should have pushed the out of the window, they can not believe. In order to prove the innocence of her husband, Lola examined for the brothel where he meets Lena know that lesbian friend and colleague of the victim. By Lena gets the naive Lola in a maelstrom of sex, love and lesbian lust .
Also known as: Weiße Haut und schwarze Schenkel, White Skin Black Thighs
1.18GB | 79:30mins | 1024×576 | mkv
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