French full version with the short title " Carmela "
Great movie for who loves Marianne Aubert and Cathy Ménard
Format: mp4
Size: 1.63 Gb
Resol: 640x480
Runtime: 84 min
Lang: French
Quality: Good
Cast from Egafd:
- Carla [6] plays Françoise
- Cathy Ménard plays a worker
- Claudie plays a worker
- Marianne Aubert plays a worker
- Marie-Claude Moreau as Isa Kara, plays Alice, a worker
- Alain Payet plays the former boss, now the floor sweeper, non-sex
- Carmelo Petix plays the former floor sweeper, now the boss
- Dominique Aveline plays Armand, the former accountant
- Guy Royer plays a worker
- Eric Saville plays a worker
- Christian Mazagran plays a worker
- the voice of Jacques Couderc, the narrator
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