Vintagepornbay.com SEX IN THE WILD WILD WEST (Author Unknown)
PART ONE — Missionaries
It was a dark and stormy night…
That’s a pretty trite way to begin a story, but it’s true. The wind was howling like a so*-of-a-b**h and the downpour outside was making life miserable for anyone foolish enough to venture out in it. I’d taken refuge in cheap dive down by the harbor where I could drink cheap beer and watch the w**res. The w**res had all given up on me, but they were fun to watch anyway, as they flashed their tits at the suckers, trying to lure them on. My last beer was about gone and I was wondering if I could con the bartender into running me a tab when Matt Gromley, a sometime acquaintance, was blown in out of the storm. Two other damn fools were with him, but they were so encased in slickers that I had no idea who they were. The three of them took a table in the back of the room and I heard Matt order a bottle....:
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