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Hot Bed Neighbors (1982) – Randy Guy [Ebook] [Download]

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Erotica - Fiction
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EPUB, 134 KB
CID , CID Blake2b

Doe Wilson breathed fast in anticipation as she slid her slim hand into Robby Cameron's bulging jeans. Her exploring fingers inched lower to touch his thatch of curly crotch hair, and then contacted the thick, hard base of his big cock.

Her fingers curled around the thick, hot shaft of his prick. She blinked fast for a few seconds, then smiled. Wow! She had picked up a prize stud this time!

They were on the bed in her small room....

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Black-Mailed Teacher (Robert Vickers) (1978) [EBOOK] [Download]

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BLACKMAILED TEACHER is a story of an individual who is faced with a seemingly uncompromising dilemma. Liz Walker, an attractive brunette teaching at a suburban high school, finds her private life invaded and a particularly embarrassing incident the target of a depraved blackmailer. She must decide whether to submit to his demands or resist — her decision makes for a shocking study of an individual in torment.

BLACKMAILED TEACHER — a searing novel of our time, a story too often reflecting on many people around us.

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Captured Heiress E-Book – Frank Chase [EPUB] [Download]

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Matthew Harmon's penis stirred in his shorts as he watched Mona Williams begin taking her clothes off. He didn't particularly like her. In Matt's mind she was a shrewd, cunning, conniving little bitch with a price tag on her tail.
“Captured Heiress is a novel of passion and greed, the story of schemers who play a dangerous game for big stakes. It is a tale of lust – lust for power, money, and sex, set against a panoramic background of our con-temporary society in which values change so rapidly that many people find it difficult to cope with the ever-accelerating forces that surround us.”

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Mother In Bondage Ebook – Paul Gable [EPUB] [Download]

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Glenda Williams reached up with her right hand and brushed several strands of her long, silky black hair away from her blue eyes. She held onto the long, brown leather reins with her left hand, guiding the powerful black horse around the hurdle count one more time.

"Let's go, boy," Glenda whispered in a low voice, bending over the homed saddle and brushing her full lips against the pointed tip of the horse's light ear.

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Sometimes With Mom E-Book – Debby Rawlings [EPUB] [Download]

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Gladys Turner missed her husband and proved it the afternoon he arrived back home from a business trip. Gary unlocked the front door of their spacious, expensive home and found his sexy, dark-haired wife waiting for him, with a mischievous smile on her gorgeous face.

"What's going on?" Gary said, setting his luggage in the foyer.

He was a big man, a state-of-the-art business executive with broad shoulders, narrow waist, and features right out of a men's fashion magazine.

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Breaking In The New Girl E-Book – Robert Vickers [FB2]

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PR-3163 Breaking In The New Girl by Robert Vickers (EB)

"Well, Miss Saunders," said the television station manager, "your qualifications are certainly in order."

Caroline Saunders felt uneasy at the way Dwight Bryon said that. She knew the man hadn't even looked at her resume. In fact, her resume was terrible. She had never really held any kind of a job before; this would be her first one. And, she'd have never even heard of this opening for an evening weathergirl, if her boyfriend hadn't put her on to it.

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Whipped Wife E-Book – Paul Gable [FB2] [Download]

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Diane Hathaway crossed her long, tapered legs and pushed her ass cheeks against the back of the living room couch as she rubbed the tall, cold glass slowly over her flushed cheeks. The blonde was trying to fight down the hot, mushy feeling between her legs. She lowered her eyes to the green carpet and tried to appear as if she were completely unconcerned with what was happening around her. But the way that man's eyes were zooming in on her body for a close-up! The way his stares seemed to burn through her clothing and sear across her flesh made her skin crawl with excitement.

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