Another courtesy by Vintagepornbay
Published by Carrere Video, the title "Cavalière" is not mentioned by Egafd & Co, but the cast and various details match perfectly with Voulez-vous mon c... ?
This is one of the few movies with Marie-Thérèse Clément , for those interested to this actress.
Format: mp4
Size: 1.27 Gb
Resol: 640x480
Length: 01:11:04
Lang: French
Quality: Quite good
Cast from Calindex:
Lucie Doll (Claire Brogniard), Brigitte Verbeck (Mélody Bird), Christine Frassati (Laura/Léa Zanzibar), Marie-Thérèse Clément (Kate Bretty), André Kay, Gérard Houda, Dany Berger
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