Big Spunky Wads (1992) - [DBM - WET69 3031]
Gritt Santini
3 unknown models
Size: 1.04gb
Length: 1:28:00
Dimensions: 640x480
Quality: VHS rip
Language: German (Original sound)
Today is Party-Time - you could also say: fuck-time. For today meet all juicy pussy and hot dicks with Biggi and Alex. The two of them are already doing it hard, because Alex shows Biggi, what his stiff belt just lust. Namely on assfuck. Tanya pushes, and right with her fist in Biggi's hot pussy. But now things are really going on. All lick, fuck and blow through each other. Jim pushes it with two hot girls to succumb to his perverse inclination, Tanya, Jim, Silvie and Alex pour into their natural sects. And they can find no end at: BIG SPUNKY WADS! ...:
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