Directed by William Rotsler
It's like they put out a casting call to every chick that would stand naked in front of a camera and work for scale in 1972.
As you can see in the preview, only about 1% of the movie doesn't have naked women in it.
Here is the credited cast
Garth Ruger, Margo Mars, Sandy Jackson. Nancy Young, Terry Benford, Devonne Carr, Elinor Ellington, Sandi Donaho, Rick Clarke, Pat Busby, Linda Lupoff, Joyce Gibson, Uschi Digart, Pandora Watson, Michelle Angelo, Abdul Ben Hassein as the Shiek, and the 59 girls of the Street
IMDb lists more cast members alphabetically:
Bambi Allen, Mary Bauer, Dalana Bissonnette, Mia Coco, Rick Conlin, Cathy Crowfoot, Ron Darby, Deborah Downey, Alex Elliot, Suzanne Fields, Alice Friedland, Neola Graef, Tracy Handfuss, Lynn Harris, Janice Kelly, Casey Larrain, Maria Lease, Shari Mann, Antoinette Maynard, Adele Rein, William Rotsler, John Tull, John Dalton, Kathy Williams, Wendy Winders
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